The upcoming film Ugram, directed by Vijay Kanakamedala and produced by Shine Screens, features Allari Naresh in the role of a sincere and powerful police officer. The movie has been generating positive buzz and the makers have now released the highly anticipated theatrical trailer.
The trailer showcases Naresh’s character investigating a series of missing persons cases and uncovering a massive mafia network. As he delves deeper into the case, he faces numerous challenges, including putting his own family in danger. Naresh’s performance in the trailer is captivating, portraying different shades of his character with ease.
While the focus is primarily on Naresh’s character, the trailer also hints at the potential of other characters, including Mirnaa, who plays the female lead. The cinematography by Sid and background score by Sricharan Pakala further elevate the trailer’s impact. The story for the film was provided by Toom Venkat, and Shine Screens has maintained high production values.
With Ugram set to release on May 5th, the trailer has generated a lot of excitement among audiences. After the success of Naandhi, Vijay Kanakamedala has once again tackled a serious subject, and it seems like another promising project for him and Allari Naresh.