Superstar Salman Khan is undoubtedly one of the biggest stars in Bollywood, and his upcoming film “Kisi ka Bhai Kisi ki Jaan” is all set to be a treat for his fans. In addition to his films, Salman is also active on social media, often sharing clips from his upcoming projects. Recently, eagle-eyed netizens spotted a new addition to his collection of lucky charms in one of his Instagram posts. Salman shared a picture of him showing off a brand-new Rolex watch, which he reportedly added to his already expensive watch collection.
Salman is known for his laid-back and informal style, and even his pricey turquoise bracelet has been known to sway his followers. However, with his new luxury watch, Salman has been spotted wearing it frequently at functions and gatherings. The watch has a turquoise dial and a diamond-studded 18 ct yellow gold bezel and is reported to be worth Rs 46.8 Lakhs.
For years, Salman has been wearing a turquoise bracelet that he considers to be extraordinarily lucky. He never takes it off, not even for photo shoots or movies. It is a treasured gift from his father and writer, Salim Khan, who gave it to him when he was an adult. Now, with his new Rolex watch, Salman has another lucky charm to add to his collection.